Thursday, August 30, 2007

Teacher! Teacher! TEACHER!

Man, it's so cool being able to tell people what to do. Joking... well, partially. So today (Thursday) was the first day we taught a full courseload.. and ya know? It's not so bad afterall... pretty easy actually...

Of course, I missed the fact that I had to teach my 6:30pm class... and instead of being in the classroom where the students were waiting, I was in the staff room daydreaming about the bottles of wine I'd buy later this weekend. The dream-bubble burst when I found out I had to be in class... so I sorta just grabbed the necessary textbooks, ran up to class without any kind of lesson plan and just taught on the fly... and who woulda thunk it... but it turned out alright!

And although many of these kids can't speak English, they've apparently all mastered the "Gilad? Oh ho ho ho heh he hehh ho ho.. I so Glad meet you" joke...

I'm slowly figuring it all out... now I just need to figure out whether those kindy's are actually 4-year old humans, or evil miniature cyborgs sent from an advanced Asian civilization from the future... with the intent of making me lose my mind... hmmm....

- Gilad

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