Friday, November 9, 2007

The Octopus That Wasn't and the Moustache That Disappeared

And here's Gilad with yet another "what the heck kind of random blog title is that?"

So we thought we were going to go out for live octopus tonight. By the time we got there after work (10pm), the retaurant was shutting down. We ended up going to another restaurant for Korean BBQ and it was fun... but we have no live octopus eating videos.

The consolation prize? Pictures... in a step-by-step format... of how to shave a beard. Yep, that's right. Exclusively here on Gilad and Dawna's Korean blog... a step-by-step process on... HOW... TO... SHAVE... A... BEARD!

Step #1 - Grow a Beard.

Step #2 - Shave The Chin.

Step #3 - Take Another Picture of The Shaved Chin From Another Angle.

Step #4 - Shave Off The Connectors... Leaving An Awesome Moustache And Wicked Sideburns.

Step #5 - Thin Off The Wicked Sideburns And Make Progress Towards An Awesome Moustache.

Step #6 - Shave Everything Off But The Moustache and Take An Awful Picture.

Step #7 - Test Out The Most Offensive Moustache Ever.

Step #8 - Decide That Step #7 Was A Bad Idea and Shave The Rest Off But The Soul Patch.

Well there you go... your official guide to shaving. As you can see, we've had a slow and long week. Dawna and I are heading off to hike the second largest mountain in South Korea... in a few hours. (7 1/2 to be exact). I still need a full night's sleep. When we get back on Sunday, I'll post pictures of what I'm sure will be an amazing view.

- Gilad


SiMo said...


don't you know its Movember you should be growing a Mo this Month for Mens Health not shaving it off.

Maybe next year then.


Anonymous said...

I have never been more proud of you for this post. It brought "Theory of a Moustache" to a whole new level.

So much love for this post.
