Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Family Day?

Okay, I realize that six months may or may not be considered a long time -- depending on who you talk to, but is it just me, or did Family Day not exist in Canada before I left? Is this a new holiday that was created after I left? Can anybody shed some light on this?

- Gilad


Bryson Parks said...

Family Day was an election promise posed by Dalton McGuinty during the October provincial elections. He was re-elected, ergo, we got the holiday. However, it's only a provincial holiday. Most if not all federal offices were still at work including Revenue Canada and Canada Post. Many businesses and organizations also didn't get the day off because contracted employees already had the maximum amount of holidays filled out for the year. Others DID give the day off, but took a day from another block of holiday time such as Christmas.

The man cannot stop being a newshound.

Gilad & Dawna said...

Are schools closed on Family Day?

Bryson Parks said...

Schools are because education falls under the province. I don't normally have class Monday but I assume my school was closed. Laurier and Waterloo got screwed because it was their reading week anyway.

Mark Hutchison said...

Family Day ... February is already the shortest and least productive month of the year ... Let's all kick the gimp-month-February square in the stones and make it even shorter and less productive ... Awesome ... Bloody Family Day.
Mark my words; Family Day will be the catylist in the downfall of the Canadian Family.

Miranda EJ. Warner said...

Family Day... After having one, I hate it. I was definitely working that day (clearly) and definitely got SHUT DOWN by the police with an hour left in my shift. So... now I have a court summons.