Thursday, April 10, 2008

The things I want to do before I go...

Here's a list off the top of my head of things I still want to do before I leave Asia.

1. Go back to Seoul.
2. Visit Gyeongju (the old, old, old former capital of South Korea)
3. Visit the beaches in Busan a hundred times.
4. Try other Korean dishes.
5. Hike the mountain in Masan again.
6. Visit other cities in Korea.
7. Learn the Korean alphabet.
8. Explore more coffee/tea shops.
9. Possibly do a temple stay.
10. Go to Busan more often.

Here are a list of things I would want to do but don't have the time or means to:
1. Go to China.
2. Visit North Korea.
3. Go to Jeju-do (Korean island about an hour flight from here.)

Things I want to do that are not at all related to Asia:
1. Keep up going to the gym.
2. Fix my guitar.
3. Have a full-time job ready for me for when I return to Toronto.
4. Have an apartment ready for me for when I return to Toronto.
5. Buy more clothes.
6. Get a pair of converse shoes.
7. Teach my dogs more tricks.

Ah, the wonders of having a few too many breaks in one day...

- Gilad

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't "Gyeongju" also how John Murray pronounces "Glue"?
