Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Last Week Or So

Here are a couple random pictures/captions taken over the last few days.

My desk at work. Books, water, puppies, schedule, a Canadian flag, and a picture of my good friend, Matt. He sent me a care package earlier this month and gave me this ridiculous picture. He told me to take it out whenever I partied but if I did that, i'd probably lose it.

One of my cutest kids, Cara. She's 6, I believe.

Not the biggest fan of this kid. He's 7 and in a different class. I call him the Korean Eric Cartman... except he's not funny... ever.

If living with Dave W for two years taught me anything, it was how to make an awesome batch of Nachos.

Clean shaven Gilad.

Clean shaven Alex.

Yumi, Alex and Amy at Jazz... the local pub where all the foreigners flock to.

Krishna being like yowaddup

Dawna with her new and improved haircut... and puppies... and Christmas presents.

The puppies being puppies.
edit: Didn't realize how awful I looked in this picture until after I put it on the blog. Oh well.

The ridiculously large care package my mom, stepdad and sister sent me.

Gilad, with new sweater and awesome care package.

The contents of the box and Dawna doing what she does best... destroying the Doritos.

Thanks, family!

Deva recently got spayed... she's been doped up on medication for a few days now. Here she is relaxing/sleeping/ignoring Lincoln.

Ah, she's awake.

Deva the spayed puppy being taken care of by Lincoln the provider.

Deva the mermaid.

Happy Holidays, everyone! We're off to Busan tomorrow to ring in the New Year... we'll have lots of pictures and videos to show everyone. We miss all our friends and family...

- Gilad (and speaking on behalf of Dawna)

1 comment:

Bryson Parks said...

Just wanted to wish you guys a Happy New Year. I'd make this post more interesting but am currently in bed sick so I'm humourless.

--Bryson via the Macbook.