Tuesday, September 11, 2007

All Things Teaching

Here are a couple of pictures and a video of some of the ongoings at school...

Dawna sitting in the office yesterday, doing teacher-like things.

Now, before I introduce the next picture, I want to explain something. Usually, every lesson has a title. Sometimes it's "I have three watermelons" or "Shopping at the grocery store" or "The Cat and the Hill." So I always start the lesson by getting the kids to read the title of the lesson together and today was no different. Dawna teaches in the next class, so you can imagine why she laughed when she heard my class and I announce the title of this lesson proudly:

"Class, whose balls are those?"
"Teacher, they are my balls."

Here are my infamous Kindy's singing a song they know... it's called "I like books." Some of them were shy for the camera, so only two (my favourite two) are singing the song. I get to enjoy (is that the right word?) them 4.5 hours a week. Now, just imagine all eight of them acting like this... all the time.

- Gilad


Bryson Parks said...



Anonymous said...

Wow.... thats a whole lot of energy!!