Thursday, September 6, 2007

I like.....don't like....

So its been over a week now....and as you can see there are plenty of things that we like and there are some things that we dislike....let's first review the good things:

1. Gimpap! How did we ever live without that delicious rice, tuna, and vegetables wrapped in seaweed back home? We have learned how to make it at home, meaning we now eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner...oh and for a snack....

2. Aloe juice! you can get it in canada..not as cheap as here mind you...but it is delicious (is everything in korea delicious?!? so far it seems to be..)

3. Kids who are cute, nice AND studious...

4. Restaurants where you sit on the floor and cook your own never have to worry about the chef spitting in your food.

5. The obsession with stickers and pencil cases. I think it is wonderfully odd.

6. The style! Could asian women look anymore put together? Our bar outfits in Canada are their grunge clothes at home. I need to get paid so I can go shopping. (P.s. how the heck do you spend your whole day in 4 inch stilletos? that is talent).

7. 6. Our work-mates! They....are....AWESOME.

8. Finally, the ice cream...this country definatly caters to the child within, and ice cream is one of the many ways. You can get 12 ice cream bars (whatever kind you choose) for under 3 dollars! I tend to buy different ones each time, take a bite and then leave Gilad to eat the rest (especially when you get one with beans in the middle!).

Alright now onto the things that we are not such fans of....

1. OUR KINDERGARTEN KIDS! Is it wrong to despise small children???

2. That overpowering fish smell that hits you like a brick when you walk down the street (only at random though, you can never expect it).

3. Wondering what that funky smell is in your apartment, and finding out that our decorative vase was once peed in only to have the odour seep into our very pores.

4. The fact that we always want to play badminton AFTER work when there are a ton of people occupying the court. Conveniently before work, when we are busy, no one is ever there.

5. Finally, finding out that our holidays are not really holidays..they are weekends..grrrrrrrrr...

on an unrelated my high heeled boots got tangled up in the cord for the stereo player and i tripped and flew across the room... infront of my students...just barely escaping death...but fully encapturing all feelings of humiliation...ugh.

- Dawna


Bryson Parks said...

Dawna, 50% of your 'like' list is food. Clearly.

Something Gilad might like: Steve Jobs announced today that he's cutting the price of the iPhone nearly in half. Buuut...if you wait a bit, there are many rumours abound that the next iPod will be called the iPod Touch and have the same touch screen as the phone...just without the phone part.

More on this as it develops.

Gilad & Dawna said...

I know!

I need to get the new iPod touch! Immediately! They've also cut down the prices to the high-end iPhone by $200... that's a 33% price-cut.

Jeh, though. They don't use the iPhone in South Korea yet. I think they only sell in the United States.

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