Sunday, September 2, 2007


Yep. It happened.

I pretty much look exactly like this now:

Or not... but at least I tried.

Drew, it's your turn now.

- Gilad


Beth said...

Awesome! Looks good. In fact, everything looks good! Thanks for the entertaining videos. When you get back, we should hit up one of the karaoke rooms that Ruth introduced me to in Markham!
Masan looks really great and sweet deal on the apartment!
It'll be great to keep reading the ongoing tale of taming the children. Or not taming them...? You guys'll do great!!

Bryson Parks said...

Yeah, but David Beckham isn't hiding behind a screen of sepia.

backwerd said...

Why you cut? You have big head!

Chris Whitler said...

Hey, I just got the same cut! But I don't look like you or the other guy. The breeze is nice though.

Gilad & Dawna said...

Damn you, Bryson. You've uncovered the sepia.

Why I do cut? Is big romanian face!

And Chris, the breeze is the best part!

Anonymous said...

OMG! I can't believe that happened- it looks really GOOD!! I guess your dreams of being a luxurious hair model are over, but life as a Beckham look-alike will be much more interesting anyway.
Good Move! I'll let Audra know she's officially off the hook for corn rows...