Monday, October 3, 2011

Breath Terrorism

Well, it's been a few years since having the whole foggy makgulli experience. Dawna and I found a place nearby that does the whole thing and so, ladies and gentlemen, the makgulli experience.

The best way to start this (or anything else in life, really) is by getting something for free. In this case, it's two fried eggs. Only Korea makes you feel special for two free fried eggs.

Next up, the makgulli. Not quite sure what it's made of but I suspect it's some sort of fermented rice juice. Some say its disgusting. Others claim it tastes like beer and milk. I'm convinced it's the greatest beverage ever created.

Next up, pajeon. It's a sort of non-sweet pancake mixed up with veggies and octopus. You can get other variations with kimchi (kimchijeon) or potato (pajeon). Either way, oh mama!

And lastly, no culinary Korean experience is ever complete without kimchi. Definitely an item that takes most palettes a few tries to finally enjoy, it's a fermented/pickled cabbage smothered in chili paste (gochujang), garlic (tons of it), fish sauce and other delicious things. Most agree it smells bad but that doesn't stop me from exposing it for what it really is: the greatest use of vegetable on the planet.

Back in 2008, Dawna and I would convince everyone we knew to frequent this kind of pub/restaurant at least once a week. It took us a year to realize that it was mostly us who liked it and that our friends were being good friends by tagging along. Oh, we have such great friends.

Your breath will take a week to recover, but definitely a great experience (at least for us).

- Gilad

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